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The Teal Wheel Project Donation

The Teal Wheel Project Donation

Regular price $5.00 USD
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SquareBarbie was built with a purpose and a higher calling. It is owner, Candice Ballard, and SquareBarbie's mission to bring more kids into the automotive industry. Especially little girls.

Growing up in the car show world, you never saw many girls and often the little girls were left at home with their mama while the dad attended shows and cruise-ins. 

Some little kids tag along to shows because that is where their parents are going but what if there was a truck and a setup that the kids were drawn too and that would give them happiness and inspiration. And most importantly, smiles and memories.

THAT is the heart of SquareBarbie and Candice Ballard. 

Once a special needs teacher and horse instructor to children with medical issues, Candice has a huge heart for kids of all ages.

The Teal Wheel Project is currently in the works to become a 501c3 non-profit organization.

At each show that they attend, Candice likes to hand out small gifts to the children.

With donations, you can help keep us on the road to attending more shows, gifts for the children and inspirational items. We also get gifts in the mail from the kids we meet at shows and we would like to send gifts in return.

When the shows are not in session, Candice and her sons plan on visiting local children at hospitals or home bound to brighten their spirits.

Please join us on this amazing adventure while we keep the hot rod alive in these young souls.

To help through Amazon Gifts


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