SquareBarbie Rewards


Open to ALL kids age 3-17! Sign up for this unique rewards program.


  • A/B Report Cards

  • Teacher Referrals

  • Good Behavior Notes

  • Good Deeds [Help a friend, help at school, pick up trash, visit a nursing home]

  • Donate to the needy or animal shelter

  • Help Your Parents or Family [clean, laundry, dishes etc]

  • Help Your Dad or Grandfather in the garage

  • Learn Something New About Classic Automobiles

  • Write a Nice Card or Letter [Nursing Home, Children's Vanderbilt Hospital]


Cards and Letters please mail to: Candice Ballard / ChopD Ratz Garage where Candice will deliver to local nursing homes and to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital:

P.O. BOX 506

BURNS, TN 37029


  1. PO BOX Address above
  2. Email to CRG@chopdratzgarage.com
  3. Send a DM online FACEBOOK 


  1. Behavior notes can be from teachers, church, coaches, parents, family
  2. Good deeds can be from teachers, church, sports, family, parents, public, event. *Have your parent take a picture as proof or note signed verifying.*
  3. Donate to needy: clothes, essential supplies, blankets, toiletries to needy with help from your parents. Animal shelter: donate your time, dog/cat food, blankets, toys, cat litter, old newspapers, cleaners. Have your parent take a picture as proof or note signed by shelter worker.
  4. Help your parents or family in the house *Have your parent take a picture as proof or note signed by shelter worker.*
  5.  Help your dad or grandfather in the garage Have your parent take a picture as proof or note signed by shelter worker.



  • Once the child has completed all reward tasks, Candice will mail out their reward package. Please make sure we have your correct mailing address.
  • Reward Ideas: Coloring books, arts, crafts, squishies, SquareBarbie items, books, stationary, Hot Wheels, bracelets, small toys, small stuffies ETC 


Thanks so much for allowing your child to join our rewards program!

Candice loves seeing the youth strive for a better future, positive behavior and to always be willing to lend a hand.

Please teach your children that bullying is NEVER acceptable, that being different is perfectly fine and be cautious on what you say and do in front of your kids.

They are sponges and soak everything up. Raise them to be successful, kind and responsible future adults, spouses and parents. 

Hugs and love,

Candice Ballard


-Together We Can Change the World!-